
Information: Instructions and Submission


Abstracts must be submitted only through the online platform available at the end of this page and must be written using the Word template that can be downloaded HERE

Deadline for abstracts submission: 30 June 2024

Deadline for communication of abstract acceptance/rejection: 30 July 2024

  • Only original communications, not been presented in other Congresses or Symposiums or published in magazines, will be accepted.
  • When sending the abstract through the online system it should be indicated to which main topic the abstract is being presented.
  • Main topics:
    • Comprehensive or Complete Systems: Homeopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Ayurveda.
    • Biological Practices: Phytotherapy, nutritional therapy, treatments with nutritional supplements and vitamins.
    • Manipulative and body-based practices: Osteopathy, chiropractic, chiromassage and lymphatic drainage, reflexology, shiatsu, aromatherapy, and others.
    • Mind-body techniques: Yoga, Qi-gong, Tai-chi, meditation, mental healing, kinesiology, hypnotherapy, music therapy, art therapy and others.
    • Energy-based techniques (biofield therapies and bioelectromagnetic therapies: Reiki, flower therapy, bio magnetic therapy or with magnetic fields.
    • Free topic: Research in the fields of Integrative Medicine, Diagnosis, therapeutic challenges, environmental health, neuroscience, anthropology and others.
  • The maximum number of authors for the abstract is limited to 10 people, which must be appear with name, surname and the affiliation.
  • The author who presents the accepted communication must be registered for the congress and pay the registration fee before 19 august.
  • The submission of a maximum of 2 communications by the same author will be accepted.
  • Authors should indicate their preference about the type of presentation: oral or poster, however, the scientific committee will reserve the right to modify the presentation format suggested.
  • The authors name and affiliation should not appear in the abstract title or text because the scientific committee must evaluate it without identification.
  • Abstracts will have a maximum of 350 words (excluding the title, authors, affiliations and bibliographic references). The abstracts exceeding the stipulated words will be automatically discarded. Images of graphics are not allowed in the abstracts. 
  • The abstracts will be written in English, the language in which the book of abstracts will be published. Please ensure that your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammatical errors as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. At the congress, oral communications can be presented in Spanish or English as there will be simultaneous translation service in both languages. 
  • Should follow the following structure:
    • Clinical/research case abstracts should follow the  following structure:  Background and Objective, Method, Results and Conclusion. 
    • The rest of abstracts do not require a specific structure. 

      If bibliographic references are added, they must follow the Vancouver format and not exceed a maximum of 5.  

  • In the case of pharmaceutical products, Phyto-preparations and food supplements, the appearance of their trade name is not permitted, only can be detailed the name of the active ingredient or the quantitative-qualitative composition of the phytopreparation or supplement.  
  • Abstracts and presentations cannot mention any commercial company, laboratory, Phyo-Products or any trade name etc. nor their logos can appear. 
  • Sending an abstract to the congress implies the acceptance of the rules of this call. The result of the evaluation of the communications by the Scientific Committee are without appeal. The organization may reject any abstract that does not comply with any of the above rules. 


  • On 30 July at the latest, the correspondence author will be notified whether the abstract has been accepted or rejected, and whether it will be presented orally or as a poster.  In some cases, the format sent by the authors can be modified. 
  • If the scientific committee indicates that the abstract needs any corrections, the authors will have a single opportunity to send a new version of the abstract according to the suggestions and corrections made. 
  • The committee will decide the day and time for the presentation according to the timetable and the thematic area. The day and time of presentation can be consulted on the congress website. 
  • IMPORTANT: Please add the email to your Safe list in order not to be classified as SPAM.



Deadline for abstracts submission

30 June 2024

Deadline for communication of abstract acceptance/rejection

30 July 2024

Deadline for the presenting author to register for the congress

19 august 2024



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